April 2013
Royal Aberdeen Sick Childrens Hospital - Outpatients Department
Club member Debbie Ismail and Bill visited the
Out-Patients Department at RACH for a
"Big Cheque" presentation and to catch up with
how the funds donated were being used.
The local press were also present and were
impressed with the iPad minis that were now
being used to entertain the older age group
being seen at the department due to recent
changes in organisation.
None were impressed as much as the kids
according to play co-ordinator Sam who, when
asked about how the tablets were being
received said "Usually with cries of "Yesss!!" ".
According to senior charge nurse Nicole the iPads would be used to amuse adolescents who
have to attend the clinic for procedures such as dressing management or steroid injections.
Out-Patients Department at RACH for a
"Big Cheque" presentation and to catch up with
how the funds donated were being used.
The local press were also present and were
impressed with the iPad minis that were now
being used to entertain the older age group
being seen at the department due to recent
changes in organisation.
None were impressed as much as the kids
according to play co-ordinator Sam who, when
asked about how the tablets were being
received said "Usually with cries of "Yesss!!" ".
According to senior charge nurse Nicole the iPads would be used to amuse adolescents who
have to attend the clinic for procedures such as dressing management or steroid injections.
February 2013
Cash For Kids
£500 was donated to Northsound's Cash For Kids campaign